Wake Up Washtenaw "White Paper"

In Conclusion

New York Times writer Nicolai Ouroussoff, in a recently published article[i] discusses the condition of America’s cities. He concludes with this observation: “A half-century ago American engineering was the envy of the rest of the world. Cities like New York, Los Angeles and New Orleans were considered models for a brilliant new future. Europe, with its suffocating traditions and historical baggage, was dismissed as a decadent, aging culture. It is no small paradox that many people in the world now see us in similar terms.”

Washtenaw County does not need to suffocate in its traditions, weighed down with the historical baggage of an automobile-obsessed culture. But unless we wake up now and begin to transform ourselves, we may well discover that we are trapped in an energy-poor world with few resources to effect our transition to a desirable, sustainable, low-energy lifestyle.

Wake up, Washtenaw!


[i] Nicoloai Ouroussoff, “Reinventing America’s Cities: The Time Is Now”. The New York Times, March 25, 2009. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/29/arts/design/29ouro.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&emc=eta1